Give a try to nixos Link to heading
Being an arch user for more than 2 years i was kind of bored then i heard about a linux distribution called as nix os. I was very intriguid on its philosphies like rebuilds , single configuration file for all. moreever it was advertised to be a popwer user distro so i just wanted to give it a try.
As i was an arch user i was confident in myself that i can easily read the manual and configure whatever i want but nixos does not have that good of the document for a traditional linux user. Once you get the idea behind nixos it will be clear. The fundamentals ofnixos is completely different.
All things said now i am back to arch linux. The reason is not that i dont have enough software support or i could not read the manual.
- nixos seems little bloated as i installed it first using graphical environement and used gnome and kde
- gtk does not blend well with nixos in standalone window managers
- i dont modify my system that much and it is very rare that i will break my system
- having to rebuild each time for small changes is annoying ( mostly becuase i was new and i did not have final configuration )